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11.5g Yellow PokerPadz Casino Poker Chips – Unbiased Overview

My first Texas Hold’em live tour circuit was a local bar and tavern, multi-week elimination tour, and I made it to the final week. First prize was a championship seat at Tunica, second prize was a Texas Hold’em Poker Table and third prize was a full set of 11.5g Yellow PokerPadz Real Casino Poker Chips.

I’ll never forget how it culminated into my first set of 11.5g Yellow PokerPadz Casino Poker Chips, but not how you might think. I learned the game from a couple of friends, who had been in some of the top spots in live Hold’em Games in the big city. They were a couple of brothers that were highly competitive, even against each other.

We would play games at their house until wee hours in the morning. I would luck out, while they were competing against what the other one had, I’d lay out a full house or ace high straight, and take the hand. It was then I started playing Texas Hold’em online obsessively and got progressively better and even won real money. So the chance to draw for the local circuit in my redneck town came around, and I was in. I was nervous, playing on real tables, with tournament officials, and of course, those bright 11.5g Yellow PokerPadz Casino Poker Chips.

It was time to start and they started dealing out the Las Vegas Casino Poker Chips. These yellow 39 mm casino size chips have the weight of a heavy casino quality chip, so they stay in place and not roll off somewhere, stick to the felt, that type of thing. They are made from a composite resin with a weighted insert and they have a PokerPadz mousepad caricature. They have clean edges and the flip side has the logo. I had to get some for the home games, but I didn’t want to take third place!

As play got started and progressed, I was made it to the final table. Some of the players seemed really amateur, not really understanding some of the strategies, so I thought I had a pretty good shot. When it got down to three of us, I knew I would get something, and to be honest, at that moment, I was hoping it wasn’t going to be the 11.5g Yellow PokerPadz Casino Poker Chips.

The lights were getting dimmer in the bar, but those piles of the bright yellow casino poker chips on that table stood out for everybody to see. I took out the girl that ended up in third place, and she took her set of 11.5g Yellow PokerPadz Casino Chips and left the bar. What do you think happened next? That’s right- I got taken out and won a nice Texas Hold’em table.

It wasn’t Tunica, but it was nice, and I could see having the games at my house. All I could think of were those darn yellow Authentic Casino Poker Chips. What good was a table without chips? And not just any poker chips, I wanted those bright yellow ones. I went home and bought myself a set of 11.5g Yellow PokerPadz Casino Chips, online that night, thank goodness for the Internet

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